Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Greenway Planning Grant Back on Track

On Monday of this week I received official authorization from the CWMTF to move forward with the Town's greenway planning grant. The grant allocation of $35,000, along with the Town's $8,000 match, makes this a $43,000 project. The money will be used to map the route which runs along Deep River along the former rail bed, do some basic landscape design, identify the appropriate means of crossing a creek, and enter discussions with property owners in an attempt to begin acquiring property and/or easements. Our ultimate goal is to put a trail on the ground which will connect with the trail that our neighbor, the Town of Franklinville, is currently seeking to expand toward Ramseur. Franklinville presently has a 3/4 mile stretch of the Deep River Rail Trail open, a portion of which is pictured here.

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